Thursday, December 16, 2010

1st year.. Doing, Choosing, Sacrificing, Confusing, Disappointing
2nd year.. Giving, Teaching, Choosing, Sacrificing, Guiding, Despair, Disappointing, Helpless
3rd year.. Letting Go, Healing, Cherishing, Wondering.
Graduation.. Moving On.

What matters in the ultimate end, is the fruitful experience, happy memories and the people that would still remain by your side.

We can't stop the clock from ticking, because time waits for no man.
Time flies.
Never regretted any actions, be it correct or wrong to the public's eye.
For with every action that one takes, there is always a reason.

whatever that belongs to you, comes back to you in d long run. whatever that does not, just treat it as a beautiful memory. =)