My very random reflection of the things that happen to everyone around me including myself, for MSTD and the past 1 year.
Sometimes, reality may be cruel. In your everyday's life, people may judge you for who you are, exploit your little m...istakes, put you down for your flaws, laugh at your beliefs and dreams. They may say that you are not up to mark, your ideals are impracticable, and perhaps, you just can't make it.
However, we need to realise that these are just people's perception of ourselves.
All these are just obstacles that are placed on our paths, to test how we react, our character, our attitude in improving ourselves, our level of positiveness and most importantly, our mental strength.
In such situation, preserverence is key, but is definitely not sufficient. We need to realise who are the people who really cares and matters, what are the relevant and true critics about ourselves that are useful, instead of allowing unnecessary comments or unimportant people to affect our lives.
We need to have the belief in ourselves, and to really put our thoughts into actions to make things happen. We should never DOUBT and LOSE ourselves. Because if we do, we had already lost the battle. If we don't, the power of positivity, love, attitude and personal faith would see us through. However, we should not be blinded by our self-defensiveness, to always believe that we would never go wrong. We must realised that everyone makes mistakes and would never be right all the time. There are certain things that we may overlook, and we need people to provide the necessary feedbacks so as to provide us an outlook of the larger picture.
We need the moral courage to stand up to our values, accept our situation, flaws and critics of ourselves at all times. Our personal beliefs must not be shaken, in spite of any unfavourable circumstances.
When we look back, we realise that all these are valuable life lessons which craves our character, making us a better human being today.
"Trying may not necessary bring success, and in fact may not be enough. However, we need to keep trying in order to attain success."